suppose that I conveyed this to my mate. At least she began thinking that all TV's have sex-change on their minds and were completely mad. All my arguments to justify myself as an FP or TV failed to change her opinion. So once more the battles royal raged.
We now had two children, and though it pained me to suppress Marryann, I did so for their welfare. Life is rough enough for an FP without involving others who could not understand. After living for years in my personal hell, unable to express myself, I turned to a Higher Source. I prayed fervently for guidance--- "What can I do?", "Show me the way" I begged night after night, with tears in my eyes. Was there no one who could help me and mine? Call it coincidence if you will, but my prayers were answered! One of Virginia's Chevalier ads caught my eye--could this be the answer to my problems?
Soon Virginia's answer came and a whole new world opened up for me. She assured me that I was far from alone in my desires--there were many, many other TV's in the world. She also sent me her own story and "The TV and His Wife". These I read over and over- and one day showed them to my wife. Her reaction was less than wholehearted, for it was hard for her to believe it. We did, however, reach something of a "truce".
TVia proved to be a Godsend. Each time another issue would arrive, I would simply devour its contents from cover to cover. I began to understand myself better and gained some insight from the experience of others. This is not to say that there were not many dark days---there were, but I think TVia and Virginia were my Rock of Gibralter--something to cling to when the going got rought. I am deeply grateful to Virginia for her personal help in my search for emotional peace.
Somewhat later, I enrolled in FPE, and heard that a new Chapter, Delta, was forming in my area. How